Staying Fit on the Fly

by: Emma Rascon


Going on vacation comes with many temptations; bars by the pool, boardwalk dinners, and did someone mention that free pancake breakfast comes with our room? Staying on track on vacation doesn't mean you need to suffer, there are many ways to enjoy your stay without breaking all the progress you’ve made in the gym. 

Vacation already comes with so many added expenses, room, food, and tours. One way to save some cash as well as earn some extra calories for that vodka soda is to ditch the taxi! As trainers we urge our clients to aim for that golden 10,000 steps a day, this can be hard while on vacation as we spend our time lounging by the pool and soaking the summer sun up. Taking the initiative to pick one place to walk to each day can help us still be active and move our bodies without having it feel like a chore. If you're at the beach, spend an extra 30 minutes watching the shore by taking a stroll. If staying in a city like new york, you could save close to hundreds by choosing your feet as that main transportation source!

As we know, food and consistency is the most important key of our fitness journeys. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast helps us start our day off on a good note and fuel our bodies for the day ahead. Instead of reaching for the pancake bar, starting your day with good sugars like fruit and good protein sources like greek yogurt are great ways to still have a delicious breakfast without feeling like you're missing out on the fun. Add some dark chocolate to your bowl in moderation for a delicious low calorie fat source! Starting our day off on the right foot can help us think about our food choices all day long; choosing to start the day on a bad foot is a sure way to finish the day on a bad note!

 Let's talk about one of all of our biggest flaws on vacation, alcohol, beer and margaritas are high carb, high calorie drinks that can easily steer us away from our goals. Don't want to be the only one without a drink in your hand? Go for low calorie options that will still scratch the itch like a vodka soda or a low carb truly seltzer. My fitness pal and resources such as your trainers are always available to check if the option your making is a smart one!

As trainers, we can give suggestions or alternatives to pretty much anything you want to consume on vacation, with that being said, we also understand you are also human and on vacation! Moderation is something to always keep in mind while traveling, making the conscious choice to have the chicken wings, but instead of having french fries and ranch with your meal, subbing with celery instead. Making time for movement in your day is also key to staying on track with your goals. Waking up 30 minutes before the rest of your party and starting your day with a walk outside your hotel or doing a 20 minute HIIT workout are some quick and easy ways to get movement while still on the go. We want you to enjoy your time away! Let us be your resources to help keep those goals in line. 


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